Crystal meth is a drug of modern times. However, it has been available for decades and is known under different names. The term crystal meth refers to the crystalline form of the drug, which consists of the synthetic substance methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine is a synthetically produced substance from the phenylethylamine group. It is used both in medicine as a drug and abusively as a euphoric and stimulant intoxicant. pervitinboss
Formel: C10H15N
IUPAC-Nummer: N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine
EG-Nummer: 208-668-7
Pervitinboss is a verified website in Australia 🇦🇺 where you can find high quality Methamphetamine online from us at a low price e with fast and guaranteed delivery, best Customer support.
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you can not purchase ice drug in many countries, the government is working hard to stop this drug. order high quality Crystal Methamphetamine products from us from Australia 🇦🇺 with a discount, Free shipping.
Approved Color: white
supply ability: 1kg
Origin: Australia 🇦🇺
Time Deliver: 2 days ( Free Shipping)
Product name: Crystal Methamphetamine
Brand name: methamphetamines
Purity: 99.99
Grade: AA
Storage; keep it in a cool, dry and dark place.
Code number: N06BA03
Director; Jacob